Join us at Gloria Dei as we celebrate the 508th Anniversary of the Reformation!
Sunday, October 27, 2024
The Reformation is the day we remember the great “Solas” – Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone), Sola Gratia (Grace Alone), and Sola Fide (Sola Fide). And the many ways Martin Luther and other reformers challenged the church of their day and proclaimed a loving God.
Celebrative Worship: 8:30am,10:00am, 5pm.
Wear something red! (This stands for fire, excitement, the Spirit.)
Also, Bibles will be presented to all 3rd graders (contact the office if you would like your child included in this ceremony and/or if they missed this presentation in previous years.).
The services will be held in person and also live-streamed. (Click here to be taken to Gloria Dei’s youtube channel.)
For more information contact the church office: 949-493-3414 or email: