“As you have done it to the least of these, you have done it also to me…” (Matthew 25)
At Gloria Dei, “we are blessed to be a blessing.” There are many opportunities to serve, help, minister, reach out, give, mentor, teach, feed, clothe, visit, encourage, pray for, drive for, show compassion…
The mission of Gloria Dei is to reflect God’s hope, which we express through celebration, connection, and compassion.
Please help us to live out that third part of our vision statement by living as Christ to our neighbor.


Find your place.

Look through the various pages on the ministries tabs. Join in.  You are welcome. If you have questions about any particular ministry, please email or call the church office: 949-493-3414,

There’s more to come…

Gloria Dei begins and supports new ministries on a regular basis. We work to make a difference both locally and around the world through our national and international partners. If you have an idea for some new ministry that you would like to be a part of, please let the pastoral staff know about it.