There are two ways to join the Gloria Dei family:
1) Transfer your membership from another Lutheran congregation.
2) Attend the Adult Inquiry Class (This is for people that come from another denomination or no church background and the class covers the basics of the Christian faith and is taught by a pastor.). The next Adult Inquiry Classes will be offered on Saturday, May 3, 2025, 9am. Please call the church office if you are interested. This class meets in the conference room in the office area.
To all people joining, a New Member Orientation/Brunch meeting is Sunday, May 4, 2025, 11:30am. This is a social time to meet the other people joining, to hear in detail about the ministry of Gloria Dei, and to meet the leadership team.
New members are received officially on Sunday morning, May 11, 2025 during worship.
For information on the next Adult Inquiry Class/New Member Orientation, call the church office to attend, 949-493-3414.
New member classes are offered three times each year (winter, spring, fall).