EASTER is more than a day, it’s a season! Every spring we have special speakers, musicians, refreshments, and more to celebrate the world’s greatest hope: Jesus Christ is risen! He is risen indeed.
HOLY HUMOR SUNDAY – BRIGHT SUNDAY: Sunday, April 27. Jesus has the last laugh over death! Come and hear a few good jokes submitted by people at Easter. There will be a winner chosen! This year, we will have a mariachi group playing between morning services, 9:30am.
MOTHER’S DAY AND MORE – Sunday, May 12, Mother’s Day/Good Shepherd Sunday. There will be a a special refreshments following each morning services, and during the  services, daisies given out to all mothers and daughters.
CONFIRMATION – Sunday, June 1, Confirmation Sunday will take place at the 10am worship service. 8th graders, who have spent three years of studies, will “affirm” their faith. Join us for this celebration!
PENTECOST SUNDAY AND BACCALAUREATE, Sunday, June 9, celebration and prayers for graduates at morning services. Join us for a special prayer and gift for all high school graduates. If your high school graduate plans to participate, please contact the office (949)493-3414.